7:03 PM

The Links Post

The election is finally coming to an end. Many have already chosen the Presidential candidate that they support. However polls show that many are still undecided as to which candidate they will vote for. On my earlier posts, I mentioned that educating ourselves about the policies each candidate supported was essential for this election. Through my blogs I have tried to express how each candidate feels about Plan Colombia as well as the effects that U.S. intervention has had on the country. If I haven’t been clear enough in regards to the subject, below I have posted some links that should further clarify where the candidates stands as well as the approach to win the war on drugs.

This link talks about the Presidential Candidates Barack Obama and John McCain. It focuses on the previous experiences that the candidates have had in dealing with Latin American countries. They talk about how both candidates support Plan Colombia but show the different approaches that each would take if either were to become President based on previous decisions each has made in regards to Latin American Countries. This is a helpful link if you still find yourself somewhat confused about where each candidate stands.

This link describes Plan Colombia and shows the original idea behind it. It talks about why the U.S. assistance is necessary as well as explaining where and how the money would be used to end the war on drugs as well as improve the lives of those who live in the country and are many times deprived of their human rights.

This link shows how Plan Colombia has failed to end the war on drugs and has accomplished and increase in poverty and destruction in the Colombian country. This site mentions the realities the plan has accomplished. Many times all the media talks about are the accomplishments the plan has obtained, failing to mention what has been sacrificed in order to achieve the result.

Finally as I mentioned before the voter has to form their own opinion. For the sake of that above is a link that talks about why the plan is necessary and should therefore be supported. Hopefully the links that I have posted above will help you solidify your beliefs in regards to the issue and maybe make it a little easier to decide which candidate you will support.


Kevin said...

Hey, I know you were having trouble with finding info. Here is a good web site that has lot of articles organized:http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/colombia/index.html?inline=nyt-geo