6:26 PM

Colombia's FTA

In this election foreign policy has lost all of its importance. Yet President Bush is trying to force Congress into passing a Free Trade Agreement with Colombia. He believes it is essential for the U.S. relations with their pretty much only South American Ally. He forgets the anti-American sentiment that gets stirred up when negotiations go sour, or when Congress balks because of differences with the administration over issues such as labor standards? What the President also seems to ignore is that this agreement would violate once again human rights in Colombia. The FTA was conceived by violating the rule of law. It was not consulted with Afro-Colombians or Indigenous Peoples as required by the Colombian constitution and ILO convention 169. So we would be supporting another terrible plan that would cause even more suffering to the belligerently attacked minorities. How can Bush urge us to support this direct assault of human rights? Shouldn't we unite instead in preventing the many atrocities that the Colombian government allows in the country? International Trade Critic Peter Julian said "The Harper government seems to be willing to sign anything with the Colombian government, no matter how negative the impact on human rights. This is completely irresponsible," If in fact the agreement does pass wouldn’t we be supporting a somewhat dictatorship government?


Kevin said...

With one glance, a free trade agreement seems that it would be beneficial to columbia. It should not violate human rights by not consulting with afro-colombians or indigenous peoples. If it does cause atrocities, Bush should not pass the agreement.

Tommy said...


Plan Colombia was bad enough, but this course of action will only deteriorate Colombian relations with America. How can the United States be so ignorant to Colombian law? On a side note, how do Americans feel about Free Trade Agreements?
