3:14 PM

Third Presidential Debate Mentions Colombia

I have been watching the Presidential debates in hopes of finding some information related to my topic. Finally the third presidential debate mentioned Colombia (for a whole second!) I have to say I know that our economy is in a terrible condition and that the presidential candidates need to talk about how they plan to improve it. However, I found that they just repeated themselves in regards to the economy. It wouldn’t have killed them to talk about other issues that are also important. “Latin American countries were completely neglected by the two candidates,” I find this ridiculous even when the debates were supposed to be dealing with foreign policy they found a way of turning it into the economy. The debate consisted of the two presidential candidates attacking each other whenever possible. McCain threw one of his punch lines by saying “Free trade with Colombia is something that's a no-brainer. But maybe you ought to travel down there and visit them and maybe you could understand it a lot better.” I found that McCain was a little conceited, in regards to his knowledge about Colombia. Even though McCain has traveled to Colombia, it doesn’t mean that Obama is completely ignorant when it comes to a Free Trade Agreement with the country. If anything McCain is the one that needs to research more. He affirmatively said "the goods and products that we send to Colombia, which is our largest agricultural importer of our products."Colombia is not in any form the largest importer of U.S. products. If anything else the U.S. is the one that proves a stable market for Colombia’s drugs. I feel that McCain is simply using his trips to Colombia to try to appeal as more Latin American friendly and maybe increase his popularity. Sadly I don’t feel that many voters will be even moved by the situation in Colombia.


Tommy said...


The fact that either candidate mentioned Colombia at all is quite amazing, but neither candidate seemed to mention Plan Colombia. Will either candidate mention this plan, before or after the end of the election?

On a side note, the video was nice, given the CNN meter on the bottom, but why does the video have the title of "McCain's Freaky Eyebrow Moment"? I would probably understand if this was the only video on the subject you could find, but the video seemed to cutoff a portion of the Colombia discussion. Was there anything important in that beginning segment?


St3Vzla said...

Well I chose the video because it showed specifically when the candidates were talking about Colombia. I guess the freaky eyebrow just shows how McCain was vulnerable and lacked eloquence in the debate.

duckblogger said...


I certainly understand where your frustration comes when the candidates don't mention your issue at all. It makes you wonder if they even have a plan for that issue. Here is linking question between our subjects: how many immigrants coming from Colombia actually come to invoke trading of drugs?