8:44 PM

Uribe...... can we really trust him???

After researching about the damage that Plan Colombia causes, I was surprised to see that regardless people seem to support President Uribe. “Mr Uribe's approval ratings shot to 91% in Colombia after the rescue operation that freed French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt and 14 fellow hostages held by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc).” Yidis Medina admitted that she was bribed by the senior members of congress to vote for the passing of a bill that would allow President Uribe to be re-elected a second term. Could it be that Uribe is also involved in this arrangement? Although it has not been proven he is being investigated. He even suggests that he wants to run a third time something that would require another constitutional change! I can’t help but be skeptical about Uribe’s true intentions. Even his cousin Mario Uribe is being investigated in regards to a certain alliance with paramilitaries. President Uribe’s reminds me of Hugo Chavez, the President Venezuela. He was adored almost worshiped at the beginning,so people were blinded by the hope that he would bring the "change" that the country needed. By changing the constitution many times he managed to pretty much become the Fidel Castro of Venezuela. The corrupt government is completely infected with his corruption and if you disagree with the government you better keep it to yourself. Will this happen to Colombia? Will President Uribe turn out to be corrupt like some fear he is?


Kevin said...

you make a thought-provoking connection between Uribe and and Chavez. I, along with most everyone else, can only hope that Urbie does nor turn into a controlling, manipulative, and corrupt leader as with Chavez and Castro. Unfortunatly, when leaders begin to increase their time in office it can be deduced that they really want to stay. Hopefully, the constitution will not change.