5:48 PM

Wonderful blogs

Even though I feel that foreign policy in regards to Colombia is the only topic that needs to be discussed in this election.... just kidding! I am aware that many other topics are incredibly important in this election and in the future of this country. It is important that we examine each candidate and their stands in regards to a wide variety of issues. That is essential to truly decide where we as voters stand, and to expand our knowledge about this Presidential election that will inevitably affect each and every one of us. This said I have had the opportunity to read insightful blogs that talk about the other issues involved in this election. Below are the ones that I find the most thought provoking and interesting. Please take the time to learn about them, you won’t regret it.

Renewable Fuels: Search and Transition by Kevin
I think this blog is very important because it discusses the necessity of finding alternative energy resources in order to end the foreign dependency on other countries that are causing an increase in the prices of gas. The blog also discusses how our dependence on nonrenewable resources affects our environment. Kevin expresses the importance of finding alternative energy resources, and talks about a wide variety of renewable energy resources, and the effects that each of them would have on our country. Through his blog you are able to see that even though both presidential candidates are in favor of renewable energy resources, each of them has a very different approach. This could be one of the factors that will play an important role in helping you decide which candidate you support.

Illegal Immigration and Immigration Reform by Duckblogger
Definitely this is the blog that moves and makes me question my principles the most. Through his blogs, Duckblogger has shown his view on illegal immigration. I think this has been one of the blogs that has developed the most. At first he focused more on defending his point of view and failed to question many of his opinions. Now he has found a balance that allows him to take a stand for his opinions and values, but that also allows him to realize that to every issue there are always two sides. He talks about both presidential candidates and their plans in regards to immigration. He shows that both candidates have different approaches but that ultimately neither of them is truly prepared to fully deal with immigration and the reform that is necessary. I feel that this is difficult topic to talk about and Duckblogger has so far done a great job and exposing his readers to a wide variety of important information about immigration.

Bailout or Failout by Merritt
This blog deals with the terrible economic situation as well as the desperate actions to repair it. It focuses on the bailout plan and the effects that this plan will have on our financial situation in the present and for years to come. Merritt’s main focus is on discussing how each presidential candidate is prepared to deal with the economy if elected President. She outlines both of their plans and points out that while Obama’s plan seems great, it lacks details as to how it will be funded. She notes that McCain… well he doesn’t have much of a well structured plan. She points out that McCain has even said that our economy is just fine.. leaving me speechless. This blog is a source where you can find any changes to the bill and our economic situation.