1:11 PM

Election Day is Finally Here

The day that everyone has been waiting for is finally here! Finally we will know who will be the president of the United States. Regardless of who is elected president either candidate will set historical records. If Obama wins he will become the first African American President of the United States. On the other hand if McCain wins, he will become the oldest president of the United States. Election Day has always interested me, but it has never meant as much to me as it does today. I am finally old enough to vote. Being a college student I realize how expensive it is to obtain an education, and how the person who is elected President will influence my social and economic situation for the years to come. I was so anxious about the outcome of this election that I had a hard time going to bed last night, so I stayed up discussing the election with my roommate until about 3:30 am. She was concerned about the national security of this country and how each president would defend it. I found that my biggest concerns revolved around education and foreign relations. We both agreed that no matter who is elected it is going to be extremely difficult to become president of a country whose economic situation is in such deplorable conditions. Even though we disagree on many subjects when it comes to politics, we both shared an anxiety about what is in hold for the future of this country. This is a feeling that I found common among those who were getting ready to vote this morning or those who voted early and were sitting around the pit carrying conversations about the election. Regardless of the different views about the election, the important thing is that everyone takes the time to vote. Vote for the candidate you feel will truly be the best at the job. If you want this country to change you have to make your opinion count and hope that everything turns out for the best.